We’re one week in to 2011, and I’m sure everyone is rockin’ and rollin’ with resolutions and goals. The excitement and energy of a new year is enough to keep you going for a while, but we all know what happens. More often than not, somewhere between the third week of January and say, March, most people have veered off the path, or even worse, completely given up.
So how do we stay the course and achieve the success and fulfillment that we dream of for the year ahead?
Well, there are several great courses and coaches out there that can be an incredible help. I’ve worked one-on-one and in groups with coaches and have taken many courses to keep me focused and accountable in pursuit of my dreams. Whether you’re looking for a life coach, a health coach, a social media coach, a soul purpose coach, a business coach or any other coach, there are many fabulous ones out there. In fact, if you’re looking for one I can likely point you in the right direction.
One of my very favorite courses is the 100 Day Challenge, which is an unbelievably powerful way to start the year with a bang and make monumental performance gains that will absolutely change your life, both personally and professionally. This one gets my highest recommendation!
For today’s post, I want to talk about an awesome book I just finished over the holidays that I believe can serve as a guide and companion for the entire year, called Add More ~ing To Your Life, by Gabrielle Bernstein. This dynamic book is a proven model for bulldozing negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs, and creating lasting personal change so you can live an awesome life.
Gabrielle is all about showing you how to make happiness a way of life by sharpening one’s intitutive senses and activating untapped inspiration. Sound fabulous? It is!
What is ~ing anyway?
In a nutshell, your ~ing is your “inner guidance”. It’s the voice inside of you that screams intuitive loving thoughts and says “bug off” to fear!
So how do we get in sync with our ~ing so that we can forgive the past, release the future and show up for the present with love and faith?
The ~ing Equation
Here’s where the fun begins. Gabrielle created the “~ing Equation”, which is a 30 day adventurous repetition of physical activity, deliberate positive affirmations and creative visualization meditations. With 12 Equations, this is a perfect way to have fun all year long as you move closer and closer to a rockin’ life filled with happiness.
Gabrielle dives into specific and important issues that build on one another as you step into your greatest potential, owning your power and living in the light. The Equations include: Healing, Forgiving, Balancing, Mirroring, Releasing, Climbing, Stretching, Quantum Shifting, Focusing, Knowing, Manifesting and finally Adding More ~ing to Your Life!
The basics of the ~ing Equation are this: Rethinking + Moving + Receiving X 30 days = Changing
Step One, Rethinking, is about retelling your story. Gabrielle states that “the untold areas of your life are the ego’s playground for nasty thoughts (the ego is the nasty voice of fear).” So to make the necessary change and replace negative thought patterns with loving ideas, we begin with affirmations. It’s about making conscious choices that when repeated, recondition our brain and help us achieve big changes in our lives.
Step Two, Rethinking + Moving, is about adding a specific physical activity to the affirmations so that we can shift the way our body responds to our mind. Considering my two greatest passions are personal development and health, I absolutely LOVE this step.
To give you an example, if you need to let go of an old fearful belief, Gabrielle will have you use dancing to move it through you. She gives several suggestions (which you are not limited to), with the goal being to find activities that guide you to release and empower you to change.
When this step is done for 20 minutes, you will be guided into the ~ing zone, which is when the energy of your mind and body flow together. Your mind is free and your body released, leaving you able to access your intuition and hear your inner truthful voice with great clarity.
Step Three, Receiving (Meditating + ~ing write), is the final step of the equation, to be done while you are in the ~ing zone. This step is a combination of meditating and stream of conscious writing (~ing writing). When your mind is as clear as it is after step two, you can let go of your left brain’s practicality and welcome the right brain’s intuition and creativity. This is an unbelievably powerful process for coming up with inspiring ideas!
So immediately following the meditation, you’ll ~ing write, which is basically spilling your unconscious thoughts onto the page. I’ve done this stream of consciousness writing as a regular practice for many years, but never as part of a process like this one. I am SO looking forward to this journey, because after just a week in, I am finding the ideas and thoughts coming up to be incredibly powerful and profound.
Of course, the key to this process is Repeating, which we all know is the key to any lasting change in life. I really see this as a journey to discover the infinite capacity of our personal energy, and the power to manifest the life of our dreams.
Are You Ready to Add More ~ing To Your Life?
I am so grateful to have found my way to the wisdom and fun that this book provides. I’m not sure it’s a book that most guys would love, but guys, the woman in your life will love it! This book makes personal growth fun, empowering and enlightening, and will take you out of your head and into a state of absolute bliss.
So whether you decide to read the book and begin the journey of Adding More ~ing to your Life, with the whole rest of the year ahead of us, I invite you to decide on SOMETHING that will keep you moving forward and in the flow of creation. Because your dreams ARE of course possible. So why NOT go for them full-out?
If you’ve enjoyed this post, please use the buttons at the top of the post to share it with your friends and followers. I’d love to hear in the comments, what is your plan for staying on track for the year? I’d love to be inspired by your ideas as well!